Hey. What’s up, everybody? It’s Emp Net, from Adsense Optimisation. In this video, I’m going to show you how to monetize your site with Google AdSense. You probably already seen Google AdSense ads online as you browse around the web. Here’s an example of one from Livestrong.com. Basically how AdSense works is that you get a special code to put on your site, that code reads the content of the page and also knows the user’s browsing history, and then displays a target ad for them. When someone clicks on the ad you get paid.
They can be in the form of banner ads like this, but there also text link ads like you see here, and other forms of link ads like you can see here at the bottom. Depending on how you have your AdSense account setup, you can make it so you’re only showing text-based ads like these or only showing banner ads, or you can actually let AdSense decide for you to maximize your click-through rate.
Your first step is to make sure that you’re running a G-rated site. If you go to adsenseoptimisation.blogspot,com, you can clearly see that this is a site that would be perfectly acceptable for AdSense because it covers topics like marketing, entrepreneurship, and social media. AdSense doesn’t allow topics like adult topics or controversial things like that, but for 99% of the people out there watching this video, you’re going to be just fine when you apply as long as you have G-rated content on your site. Your next step is to make sure that you have a Google-approved AdSense privacy policy on your site. If you don’t already have a privacy policy page, you want to set that up by logging to WordPress, hovering over pages and clicking on Add New. You want to name that page Privacy Policy. If you already have a Privacy Policy page all ready, then you can take the AdSense language and add it to your existing privacy policy. If not, you can just use the Google AdSense privacy policy as your entire privacy policy page if you want.
To find the AdSense Privacy Policy information that you need to add to your site, just Google ‘Policy generator AdSense’ or ‘AdSense policy generator’, and this is the first result. All you need to do is put in information about your site and your email, whether or not use cookies, which will be yes, then choose Google AdSense, create My Privacy Policy. It’ll give you the generic information with some personalization, like your site and email, and then you just want to add it to your Privacy Policy. Hit Publish and you’re ready to apply.
Once you have this setup, just Google ‘Apply to AdSense’ and click on the first result. If you’re signed in your Google account, you can use that Google account as your AdSense account or you can use a different, or create a brand new account for your AdSense account. I’m just going to use my current account that I’m signed into. You want to give them some website information, particularly the homepage of your site, the language that your site is in, and then also agree to the terms of service, which is basically ‘I don’t have any non-G-rated content on my site and I won’t encourage people to click.’ Once that’s set up, click on Continue, and then wait for the AdSense team to get back to you. Once you’re approved, it’s time to add AdSense code to your site. That’s what I’m going to show you how to do right now.
Once you’ve logged into your Google AdSense account, your next step is to get the code that you’re actually going to place on your website. To do that, log in to your account, click on My Ads, and then click on New Ad Unit. You want to give that name. If you’re going to put it on your homepage, you can put ‘homepage ad’, and then you can choose the ad size among all the different options; we’re going to choose a large leader board. You can choose whether you want text and display, text ads only, or display ads only; we’re going to choose both. Backup ads is basically what they do if they can’t actually show an ad; I like to put Show Blank Space. What you want to do is set the ad style. The Google default tends get a good click-through rate, but if you want it to either stand out or integrate with your site more, you can choose different color combinations, and then alter those as you like.
Once the code looks good to you in the ad preview, looks like something you’d want on your site, click on Save and Get Code. Here you go; here’s the code that you can add to your site that will display AdSense ads. If you don’t use WordPress, you want to either ad this manually or send this to a developer so they can integrate it with your site. If you do, there’s a really great plugin for easily integrating ads in your site called AdSense Explosion, which is a bit of a weird name, but it’s actually very good. You want to log in to your WordPress dashboard, hover over Plugin, and click on Add New. Just search for AdSense, click on search plugins, and then choose AdSense Explosion from the list.
Once that’s installed, hover over Settings and click on AdSense Explosion. What I like about this plug in is that you can actually customize your AdSense ads within WordPress without having to go back and forth from your AdSense account, back into WordPress, copying your code. You can actually change the type of the ad, whether or not you’re showing text and image ads, and actually change the colors of the ads all within WordPress. To do that, you need your AdSense Publisher ID, and you can find that at the top of your AdSense account. You just want to copy that number, not the [inaudible: 05:21], just the number, head back to the plugin, paste in your AdSense Publisher ID, and then you can adjust your ads. You can either use the same settings that you use when you created your first ad unit or create a new one. Once that’s good to go just, click on Update Options, it’ll automatically be added to your site, and you can start making money from AdSense right away.
That’s all there is to monetizing your site with Google AdSense. As you can see, the most important thing is to make sure that your site is ready for when you apply, and then to use a plug in like AdSense Explosion to make adding AdSense and modifying those ads easy. Thanks for watching this video. I’ll see you in the next one.
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