Finding it difficult to add adsense inside the content of your blog post?This actually took me sometime to understand but here you can just have it for free and not pass through the rigors I went through trying to figure it out.
I've always been left at awe each time I visit certain blogs,read through their post and suddenly discover google ad inside their content;most times I am almost tempted to believe that the ad is a part of the post as I cannot just read the post without going through the ad.
You will certainly agree with me that what most bloggers do is to have google ads placed outside the content either to the right or left sidebar,header or footer;while this is good,most readers may never bother to look at them as the readers get more absorbed in the content of the post itself.The content of the post is the primary concern of readers,in short it is the only reason they visited your blog.Many through search engines like google,blogs that gave you credit,forums you linked to or other websites.It is never the intention of the reader to find an ad but finding one,the reader might just want to know more.
Every reader that finds an enriching,wonderful content that adds value,will get glued to the blog offering such content continuously even scrolls down until he or she is done with reading.The reader might never mind the ads outside the content of the post as they sometimes might be seen as distraction,not all readers though.One cool way to prevent your readers from ignoring your ad is to place the ads inside the content,where it becomes definitely impossible not to see the ad.
Numerous advantages abound when ad is placed inside the content of your post:
Firstly,the reader has no choice but to read or view the ad.Since the ad is imbedded in your content,the reader is left with no choice as you are sure the ad would be read or viewed.
Secondly,the tendency for clicks by the reader is high.The reader may well and good easily click your ad
just to find out more from the ad because of its placement.
Thirdly,you have a better confidence as a blogger that your ad would definitely be seen if not clicked.
Just how then do you add your ad in your blog's content:
Step one:Log on to your blogger account
Step two:From the blogger dashboard,click on earning,adsense,click on view dashboard.
Step three:On adsense page,click on my ads
Step four:Click on add new ad
Step five:On ad size,click on recommended,from the drop down menu,click on responsive ad
Step six:Click on get code,copy the code
Step seven:Go back to blogger dashboard,click on post,edit post.
Step eight:On the edit post page,atop the post you will see HTML,click on it
Step nine:Paste the copied code where you want the ad to appear after publishing or update.
Step ten:Publish or update your post,you will see your ad inside your content.
If you have questions,please feel free to ask using the comment form.
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